




Contact Information

People in the RAS Comp Chem Team.

Trent E Balius is the project lead for the RCC Team.

For more information about Trent see his Short Bio
Here is Trent's Curriculum Vitae.
Here is Trent's linkedin Account.
Here is Trent's Google Scholar.
Here is Trent's Twitter Account.
Here is Trent's Github Account.
Here is Trent's ORCID.
Here is Trent's SCOPUS AUTHOR ID.
Mayukh Chakrabarti is a Scienist at the Frederick National Lab.
Here is Mayukh's linkedin Account.
Here is Mayukh's Google Scholar.
Here is Mayukh's ORCID.
Y. Stanley Tan is a Post Baccalaureate Fellow at the Frederick National Lab.
Here is Stanley's linkedin Account.
Here is Stanley's ORCID.
Andree K Kolliegbo is a summer intern (8 weeks) at FNL. She is persuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at Purdue University.
Here is Andree's Linkedin Account.
Summer, 2024

Former RAS Comp Chem Team Members.


Priyanka (Pri) Prakash was a Scienist II at the Frederick National Lab. She is now at MD Anderson.
Here is Pri's Linkedin Account.
Here is Pri's Google Scholar.
Feb, 2020 - April, 2022


Alyssa Klein was a summer intern (8 weeks) at FNL. She was part of the Capston program (SCRTA) and is pursuing her Master's Degree in Bioinformatics at Hood College.
Here is Alyssa's Linkedin Account.
Summer, 2019
Muyan Zhou was a summer intern (6 weeks) at FNL. She was part of a partnership between FNL and Georgetown University. She is pursuing her Master's Degree in Bio Statistics at Georgetown.
Summer, 2019
Dillon Chu was a summer intern (8 weeks) at FNL. He was part of a partnership between FNL and Georgetown University. Dillon completed a Master's Program in Bioinformatics at Georgetown.
Here is Dillon's Linkedin Account.
Summer, 2021
Maryam Abdur-Rahman was a summer intern (8 weeks) at FNL. She was a SCRTA NIH Intern. She is persuing a Bachelor's degree in Translational Life Science Technology at University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Here is Maryam's Linkedin Account.
Summer, 2022

modified: 2024/06/24